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your source for profitable insights

Energy Prices

Energy prices: The charts displays the prices for different commodities relative to each other. Commodities are predominantly traded as futures contracts. Natural Gas Crude Oil Coal Uranium Recession periods are shaded. Summary: The charts displays the prices for different commodities relative to each other. Commodities are predominantly traded as futures contracts.

Housing Bubble Looming?

Is 2008 looking to repeat in 2023/24? The home price to median income ratio is at levels higher than even the 2008 housing bubble. Let that sink in. You can find the always up to date chart here,

Home Prices vs Incomes

Home Prices vs Household Income It seems home prices are out pacing income growth.. Some say the FED needs to crash the housing market to remove the access to capital to further slow the economy to reduce the sticky inflation. Keep an eye on this development to see how this chart updates (automatically) over the […]