Is The 10/2 Gonna Kick Your A$$ ?
Curlycertainly Curlythreestooges GIFfrom Curlycertainly GIFs Unwinding the 10-2 ALWAYS seems to bite us in the 6! John Doe Tweet Unwinding The 10-2 Usually Bites You On Your 6! History proves to us that it is only been a matter of time! A forward leading indicator such as the unwinding of the 10/2 yield curve has […]
Job Openings is a Leading Indicator
Job openings is an accurate leading indicator for the unemployment rate. The recent divergence points to the unemployment rate likely to move higher. You can research more unemployment charts on Prime Investments here from the search box above, or just click this link:
Total Nonfarm Job Openings
Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics Release: Job Openings and Labor Turnover Survey Units: Level in Thousands, Seasonally Adjusted Frequency: Monthly Total Nonfarm Job Openings are a measure of all jobs that are not filled on the last business day of the month. A job is considered open if a specific position exists and there […]
Job Quits: Government vs Private
Although the FRED is committed to the long haul, we’ve discussed quitting before: that is, data on voluntary separations from employment. For example, earlier this year, a post covered quits for currently employed workers during economic downturns. Conventional wisdom says that quits decrease during recessions and increase during expansions. But because there was hardly anything conventional […]
QUITS Unemployment: Government, Private and Total Nonfarm
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ numbers are in. QUITS Unemployment: Government, Private and Total Nonfarm